Feel the Power 2018

Don’t Be Pushed Around!

Don’t be pushed around by your environment. When you allow yourself to be pushed around by your environment you’re constantly reacting and being trained and conditioned by your circumstances. And oftentimes will leave you feeling fatigued by negative emotions such as worry, doubt, regret, anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, and confusion.

Be the creator of your world and train your environment to respond to your spoken word, your visualizations, your affirmations, and your thought force in general. Then you are responding to your circumstances and empowering yourself with feelings of confidence, enthusiasm, joy, love, appreciation, freedom and so much more!

Your environment encompasses all you see and hear on a regular basis. Remember people are always expressing their views and sharing information with you. I agree with Epictus…“The key is to keep company with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.”

BEGIN NOW to be more discriminating in what you will and will not accept and/or tolerate in your personal environment and begin to train it by showing better judgment regarding where you go, what you do with your time, and who you do it with.

POWER TIP: Write down the five people you spend the most time with and think about the qualities you share with them, good or bad, spend more time with people who lift you up and distance yourself from those who bring you down.

NEED HELP?  Sometimes your mind just gets the best of you and you constantly find yourself back in the same position of being pushed around by your environment.  I can help you transform your thoughts so that you are equipped with the knowledge necessary to train your environment.  Book your session today!

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